Conference WORKSHOPS
Every Foot has a SOLE
Workshop that helps promote health/spiritual wellbeing through the use of reflexology.
Modern Warrior (A Workshop for Men)
A workshop for men looking to find their inner modern warrior.
Crafting with Intention:Nourishment of anIntentional Bath Soak
Self care exercises that help promote healthy love to one’s self.
Totamaso (Helping Yourself)
Totamaso is a Cree word that means “do it yourself” Many people are stuck in a huge rut with their grief, anger, regrets, broken relationships etc. and have no clue on how to get un-stuck. This workshop is about learning how to get un-stuck.
Tension, Stress, Trauma Release
TRE is a natural way of releasing the tension, trauma and stress we have suffered in our lives.
Reflexology – Access Bars
A therapy that activates “The Bars” (Bars of Energy that run from one side of the head to the other) by applying a light touch to 32 points on the head. Running The Bars releases negative considerations, thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs that are electrically stored in the brain. It is beneficial in releasing connections to past hurts and pain.
Mindfullness Movement and Meditation is Maskihkiy
We know that exercise improves our physique, but most people don’t know that it actually benefits our mental health as well. Data suggests that people who are physically active are likely less depressed than those who are inactive.