Iyniniw will update the workshop listings and descriptions as we connect with facilitators and presenters.
The listing below is in alphabetical order. You can also click on the Category below the Read More link to see other workshops of the same topic.
This course introduces participants to a trauma-informed and resilience-focused mindset. Participants will learn about the experience of trauma as one that impacts a person’s body and shown a demonstration of trauma’s impact on the brain. There will be a strong focus on resilience using the four universal needs of all human beings as explained by the Circle of Courage model including belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity.
Workshop will create an safe environment while discussing helpful tools to deal with anxiety, depression and panic arise.
Workshop will go into the four Cree cultural teachings.
Healing through the use of art therapeutic expression.
ColourSpectrum can serve as reflective tool to find our place by connecting to spirit as we journey towards wellness.
Combined with prayers, smudging brings us closer to the Creator. The smoke helps purify and protect our bodies, spirits and living spaces. Smudging also improves mood, alleviates stress and insomnia, and helps shift negative energies
Workshop that helps promote health/spiritual wellbeing through the use of reflexology.
A workshop for men looking to find their inner modern warrior.
The use of sound is powerful and helps reconnect us to our spiritual wellbeing.
Self care exercises that help promote healthy love to one’s self.
There is a time in every girl’s life that they become young women. It is during this time that it is very important that the transition is guided through ceremonial protocol.
Totamaso is a Cree word that means “do it yourself” Many people are stuck in a huge rut with their grief, anger, regrets, broken relationships etc. and have no clue on how to get un-stuck. This workshop is about learning how to get un-stuck.
Dr. Anne is the owner/manager of the Natural Path Clinic. For the past 14 years clinic staff and friends have been helping to provide support at the Knowing Our Spirits Conference.
The Creation Story or Long Story is the stabilization of the way K’sê Mantô intended His people to be: the balance of our Being is a part of this stability that looks at the Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual quadrants.
TRE is a natural way of releasing the tension, trauma and stress we have suffered in our lives.
A therapy that activates “The Bars” (Bars of Energy that run from one side of the head to the other) by applying a light touch to 32 points on the head. Running The Bars releases negative considerations, thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs that are electrically stored in the brain. It is beneficial in releasing connections to past hurts and pain.
This session will show you how to make and sew mini moccasins. It also provides skills in beading your finished product.
We know that exercise improves our physique, but most people don’t know that it actually benefits our mental health as well. Data suggests that people who are physically active are likely less depressed than those who are inactive.
This workshop will enable participants to acknowledge their loss of loved ones, to re-access the impact on their lives, and to celebrate the gift of learning that comes from loss.