Conference WORKSHOPS
An Overview of Understanding Trauma and Building Resilience
This course introduces participants to a trauma-informed and resilience-focused mindset. Participants will learn about the experience of trauma as one that impacts a person’s body and shown a demonstration of trauma’s impact on the brain. There will be a strong focus on resilience using the four universal needs of all human beings as explained by the Circle of Courage model including belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity.
Coping Skill for our Trauma andTriggers
Workshop will create an safe environment while discussing helpful tools to deal with anxiety, depression and panic arise.
Deep Restoration Using Express Art Therapy
Healing through the use of art therapeutic expression.
Connecting to our Color Spectrum
ColourSpectrum can serve as reflective tool to find our place by connecting to spirit as we journey towards wellness.
Every Foot has a SOLE
Workshop that helps promote health/spiritual wellbeing through the use of reflexology.
Modern Warrior (A Workshop for Men)
A workshop for men looking to find their inner modern warrior.
Mikwan Maskihkiy Sound Journey
The use of sound is powerful and helps reconnect us to our spiritual wellbeing.
Crafting with Intention:Nourishment of anIntentional Bath Soak
Self care exercises that help promote healthy love to one’s self.